· Acupressure & Qigong ·
Integrated Hands-On Healing
Hands on Healing (in person or online)
Tamara has been practising acupressure and acupressure-based massage since 2004 and healing qigong since 2012. Over time, she’s brought these together into an integrated hands-on practice that uses pressure, massage, and other purely energetic techniques to work with qi movement throughout the body, releasing longstanding patterns of blockage and tension and restoring harmonious energy flow. This can decrease pain, help heal injuries and chronic illness, and bring us into deeper connection with our bodies, our emotions, our soul purpose, and the relationships between them. In practice, this feels like a slow, gentle massage that actually gets straight to our deeply help points of tension, allowing the body to release and inducing states of profound relaxation where physical and emotional healing can occur.
What is Channeling?
Many people think of channeling as something that requires special psychic abilities, where we see visions of angels or human-like beings who tell us what to think and do.
The truth is, anyone can open to channel. It just takes intention and practice.
And the experience of divine guidance is as diverse and varied as the personalities, experiences, and belief systems that exist in this complex, multifaceted existence. You may see a visual image of one or more being and/or hear clear words from them, or you may feel a presence that’s more like a colour or sound, with its own particular, recognizable energetic signature—or you may just feel able to see your situation from a perspective you hadn’t considered before, remembering experiences in your past with new relevance or gaining clarity about what you really want.
Whatever specific form guidance takes for you, connecting with true guides will have a few universal characteristics: the guides will always feel nurturing, safe, clear, and free of judgment of any kind. You will feel their overwhelming love for you and their compassion for the whole world. If you experience feelings of guilt, blame, or pressure to act in a certain way, that’s an indication that more tangled types of consciousness are speaking and an invitation to drop more deeply into Presence.